Week #9 Market Identification & Sizing | Testimonials From Startups

    As I engaged in ENGR Miriam Bergado's insightful discourse on market identification and sizing, I found myself captivated by her expertise and the clarity with which she presented the subject matter. Her meticulous approach to understanding target markets, conducting comprehensive research, and utilizing various analytical techniques resonated deeply with me. The emphasis on extracting valuable insights from data to make informed business decisions left a lasting impression. Miriam's adeptness at demystifying complex concepts and her ability to guide us through practical examples enhanced my understanding and ignited my passion for this crucial aspect of entrepreneurship. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a knowledgeable and inspiring instructor, whose expertise will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors in market analysis.

    Also, during the session with MS Jennica Chiang on the topic of "Testimonial from Startup," I had the opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of startups and their testimonial strategies. Jennica's insightful presentation shed light on the importance of authentic and compelling testimonials in building trust, credibility, and brand reputation. Through her engaging examples and practical tips, I gained a deeper understanding of how startups can effectively leverage testimonials to attract customers, establish social proof, and differentiate themselves in competitive markets. I appreciated Jennica's expertise and her ability to convey the significance of testimonials in an engaging and relatable manner. This session has undoubtedly equipped me with valuable knowledge that I can apply in my future entrepreneurial endeavors.

    As for our project, throughout the interviews conducted this week, a significant recommendation emerged regarding the implementation of a crucial feature for the project. One interviewee emphasized the importance of incorporating a parking space map that would allow for the display of available slots. Additionally, the suggested feature would provide the authority to add or remove plate numbers associated with the vehicles parked in specific slots. This insightful suggestion highlights the potential value of enhancing the project with a comprehensive and user-friendly system that streamlines parking management and enhances overall efficiency.
